Be Aware of the World Around You

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tool #8

As a World Cultures teacher, I feel it is important to give the students visual examples of other cultures. Watching the experiences of other students, opens my students' minds and increases their awareness of cultural differences and similarities in other parts of the world. I chose Pennies for Peace because it is a current issue with a component the allows students to become involved in the process of bringing education to students in poor, war torn areas by collecting pennies. My second video will be used in my math intervention class as a fun and snappy way to reinforce fractions. I will continue to use video to reinforce my curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. "Pennies for Peace" was a great video to stimulate discussion amongst our students. I had comments, such as, "If those younger kids can do something to help those less fortunate, then so could/should we". Often the videos don't need to be long...there just needs to be a "hook" that will get the kids conversing about social/world issues.
